Bernardino Romera-Paredes

Research Scientist at DeepMind

Motivation: To leverage the power of AI to bring light to important scientific problems.

My story, going backwards is as follows:

Since mid 2016, I am working in DeepMind as a research scientist

Before that, during 2014 to 2016 I was in the Torr Vision Group as a Postdoc at the University of Oxford, researching about:

During late 2010 to mid 2014 I did a PhD at University College London, where I researched multi-task learning and tensor decomposition methods applied to recognition tasks aimed at helping chronic low-back pain patients.

Before that, in 2009 I did the MSc Computational Statistics and Machine Learning at UCL, just after completing my bachelor degree in CS at the University of Murcia.

What I believe:

The views here are not only not those of my employer, they are not even the opinions I held in the past or may hold in the future, as they tend to change with new evidence.

Collaborative long thorough outputs are available in my Google Scholar, whereas individual short cursory outputs can be seen in my Twitter.